Management Techniques
Since I have taught both younger and older students, I have developed two different classroom management programs.
The ultimate purpose is to motivate my students toward self-discipline.
Within the first 2 weeks of class, I like to work with my students on establishing a Class Behavior Contract.
This is a list of expectations that all members of the class (including myself) decide to maintain throughout the school year.
All members of the class, including teachers and assistants, are asked to sign the contract as a sign of acceptance and agreement.
The ultimate purpose is to motivate my students toward self-discipline.
Within the first 2 weeks of class, I like to work with my students on establishing a Class Behavior Contract.
This is a list of expectations that all members of the class (including myself) decide to maintain throughout the school year.
All members of the class, including teachers and assistants, are asked to sign the contract as a sign of acceptance and agreement.
Both programs focus on primary facets:
(1) A Class Essential Agreement is established at the beginning of the year. All students help write this document and it is often referred to as situations arise.
(2) All rewards and consequences are fair, consistent and known by all
(1) A Class Essential Agreement is established at the beginning of the year. All students help write this document and it is often referred to as situations arise.
(2) All rewards and consequences are fair, consistent and known by all